How to use Heligeom
Run Page
Result Page with 1 Oligomer
1 - Input parameters
First, Heligeom displays a summary of the input parameters you have entered: PDB file name (or PDB Id ), chains and/or residues range.
If one is not specified, the word "Unspecified" is displayed instead.
The number of monomers required to create the oligomer and the Z-alignment are also given.
1 - Helical parameters
Note: This is the same values displayed when clicked on the button on the input page.
Then, Heligeom displays the helical parameters computed from the 2 monomers given.
It refers to the screw calculation.
See the image below for a visual explanation of those parameters.
The pitch is the distance of one helix turn along the helix axis.
The monomer per turn is the number of monomers needed for 1 turn of the helix.
The Handedness is the direction of rotation around the axis.
The 2 distances (IntR and ExtR) are the minimal and maximal distances between the screw axis and the atoms of oligomer.
On the right, it is the parameters of the screw axis, defined in the image next to it.
3 - Visualisation
Finally, Heligeom offers an interative view of the constructed oligomer. By default, the coloration is made by monomers.
The plugin use is LiteMol, here a link to its documentation if needed.
You can download the PDB file of the oligomer with the orange button.
Result Page with 2 Oligomers
For a couple of oligmers, Heligeom displays the same content that for 1 Oligomer with a side by side view.
Comparison of the interface
On the Result page, Heligeom displays some analyzis of the comparison of the 2 interfaces.
The Fnat is the fraction of residue pairs of the 1st interface present in the 2nd interface, as defined
Value of 1.0: All of the residue pairs of the 1st interface are present in the 2nd one.
Value of 0.0: None of the residue pairs of the 1st interface are present in the 2nd one.