
Contacts at the interface
Input Parameters

Input structure: 4ESV.pdb

Monomer 1
  •  Chain : B
  •  Residue range: 132-365
  • Core region: 184-365
Monomer 2

  •  Chain : C
  •  Residue range: 132-365
  • Core region: 184-365

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Helical Parameters
Pitch 38.10 Å
Monomers per turn 6.04
Handedness Right-handed
Distance minimal between screw axis and oligomer (IntR) 7.35
Distance maximal between screw axis and oligomer (ExtR) 58.88
Axis Point (O) 0.00 113.36 1.48
Rotation Angle (θ) -59.61°
Translation (trans) -6.31 Å
RMSD: 0.10 help

The RMSD of the superposition is acceptable (<= 2Å).

Construction Details

From the helical parameters calculated from the 2 monomers, you can construct an oligomer made of copies of Monomer 1.

If Flatten the oligomer is checked, Heligeom will try to flatten the oligomer to create a ring (with a pitch = 0Å) with a Monte-Carlo algorithm. See the Help page for more information.

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