Run Heligeom

1st Oligomeric form

Upload a PDB file containing the two monomers or enter a PDB accession number.

file_upload Upload
Submit a molecule in PDB format

For each monomer, you can specify either the chain of interest or/and the residue range which define the monomers or both.

Note: The tool can handle missing residues within the selection (to manage flexible/unstructured sections).

In this case, The 2 monomers must have a residue range filled with the same gap (i.e 1-300 and 301-600).

Please make sure that both monomers selected (with or without core regions) have the same number of Carbon-α.

Monomer 1
Core Region: help
Monomer 2
Core Region: help
  • 2nd Oligomeric form?arrow_drop_down

    You can specify a second couple of monomers to define another interface and compare it to the first one.

    Leave it blanck to use the structure defined in the first oligomeric form.

    Upload a PDB file containing the two monomers or enter a PDB accession number.

    file_upload Upload
    Submit a molecule in PDB format

    For each monomer, you can specify either the chain of interest or/and the residue range which define the monomers or both.

    Note: The tool can handle missing residues within the selection (to manage flexible/unstructured sections).

    In this case, The 2 monomers must have a residue range filled with the same gap (i.e 1-300 and 301-600).

    Please make sure that both monomers selected (with or without core regions) have the same number of Carbon-α.

    Monomer 1 bis
    Core Region: help
    Monomer 2 bis
    Core Region: help

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